Back To Reality

Back To Reality

August 19, 20242 min read

Hello beautiful!

I don’t know about you, but returning from a vacation or a week-long conference causes a bit of angst. Re-entry…into your regularly scheduled life can be overwhelming.

How do I cope and not let procrastination and in-action take over? I have just the thing.  My JOLTS! Yep, not only do I create them, but I do go back and re-read them. Several of you told me you even print them out to keep them handy.

Let’s nip it in the bud!

⚡️[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT⚡️

I sometimes feel overwhelmed coming back from days off
I know it’s good to be away from our daily tasks
I know it’s important to step away from time to time
I also know that it could feel a bit overwhelming upon returning
I don’t stay in that space for too long
I let myself have a bit of time and some grace
Then, I reach for resources to help me
I pull from the tools that I have created
I take frequent joy breaks throughout my day
I shut down my computer and walk out of my office 
I go outside maybe once or twice during the day
I play some upbeat music to fuel my soul
I may even read a chapter of a book
Then, I go back to taking intentional action
It doesn’t feel so overwhelming anymore
I don’t have to work 8 hours straight
I don’t have to keep working until I get a result
I don’t have to be chained to my desk to get results
I know it’s more important to feel good first
I know feeling good first will attract more to me than hustle
I know success is not found in the hustle
I know success is not found in me pushing myself
I know success is not a result of my working long and hard
I’m allowing success to find me
I’m allowing ease and flow to find me
I’m allowing more joy into my day, and success will find me
I’m allowing
I’m allowing
I’m allowing
Awe…..calm…ease….and flow! Now that feels good!

I would love to know if these JOLTS are helpful to you. It brings me so much JOY when you hit reply and let me know you enjoyed it!



Professional women are leaving the workforce every day to pursue their dreams of becoming the CEO of their life. Is that you? Hi, I’m Julie and I have spent the last 25+ years developing techniques and tools that connect with my soul's path to pursue a heart-centered approach to coaching women through a prosperous business journey. My clients are not new to the business world, but they are new to owning their own business and understanding what it means to be the CEO; my method begins from the inside out.

C-E-O = Clarity- Energy- Overflow vs Confusion - Exhaustion- Overwhelm

Julie Kraschinsky

Professional women are leaving the workforce every day to pursue their dreams of becoming the CEO of their life. Is that you? Hi, I’m Julie and I have spent the last 25+ years developing techniques and tools that connect with my soul's path to pursue a heart-centered approach to coaching women through a prosperous business journey. My clients are not new to the business world, but they are new to owning their own business and understanding what it means to be the CEO; my method begins from the inside out. C-E-O = Clarity- Energy- Overflow vs Confusion - Exhaustion- Overwhelm

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