Help the Universe Help You
What a week it's been and we are not out of the woods yet. Even if you don't live in California, I'm sure by now you are aware of the devastating fires that wiped out a whole town, left restaurants, businesses and homes destroyed to ashes, led to power outages, and displaced thousands of people.
I’ve never witnessed something like this so close to home. While we continue to pray, be prepared, and help where we can, we need to continue to keep some normalcy in our businesses and lives.
Last week I asked you a couple of questions:
Do you set resolutions? If so, do you stick with them? WoWza! Your answers were a resounding YES, I set them and NO, I don’t see them through to the end! If that was your answer as well, you are a part of a large group of people (mostly women) who are in the same boat as you are. That probably isn't a huge surprise to you.
However, if you follow me because you want to focus on JOY and transformation and want a more positive outlook on life, then let me invite you to DECIDE something different this year.
You see, when you make a decision to change, the Universe immediately starts to work on your wish, your command. It cannot do anything other than that.
So today is the day you DECIDE something different: an improvement; a shift in your thinking and the way you are showing up. Then let the magic unfold. Synchronicity starts happening. “Out of the blue” people and opportunities just appear.
See if this week’s JOLT helps with this. And please let me know if you need anything; even if it’s just to talk!
⚡️[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT⚡️
I like making decisions
I like the feeling when I make a decision
I like knowing that when I make a decision my brain gets to work on it
I like knowing that one decision can change everything
I like being in control of my decisions
I like when I make a decision my brain finds the right path for me to go down
I like declaring what I want and getting ready to receive it
I like that I don’t have to work hard to make it happen
I like how things just seem to fall into place when I decide
I like how it feels so freeing when the decision is made
I like how I feel like I can breathe easier
I like knowing that there is no right or wrong decision
I like knowing either way I will be directed which way to go
I like getting more of what I focus on
I like that I made the shift to focus on what IS working
I like watching the magic unfold just because I decided
I am claiming my decision
I am now in expected anticipation of receiving it
I am now moving in the world with ease & positive expectations
I am now showing up as the woman who expects her decision to unfold in front of her eyes
I am anticipating with calmness
I am anticipating with the knowing
I am anticipating with JOYFUL expectations
I am excited to see it unfold
I am excited to be a good receiver of it
I am excited that I decided
YAY! I love being in anticipation of all good things coming my way….doesn’t that give you a boost of confidence to make a decision today? Maybe one you’ve been sitting on?
Do it.
I’m conducting a 2025 Virtual Planning Workshop this Wednesday, the 15th from 3pm-6pm PST on Zoom. We will set our yearly goals together, reverse engineer them by focusing on 90 day sprint goals and get you to think a bit differently on goal setting this year! Let me help you crush what you think is a stretch goal. Here is the link to register – it’s an investment of just $97. Register now to receive your Zoom link.
Stay safe, friends!