Your Calling is Calling
We all have that little voice that comes to us when we're still and being real with ourselves.
It can be quiet or loud but it sure is persistent. To be honest, there are times when I've wished mine would shut up! I am where I think I should be and it's safe and comfortable and I don't need to hear otherwise.
But then, there's that voice again.
When we have a voice that's calling to us again and again, that's more than a nuisance. In fact, it's probably a gift. It's our intuition, or God, or the Universe, but the fact that it won't go away lets us know that it's important, even if what it suggests is new or scary.
Here's a JOLT to help you when your inner voice won't leave you alone.
Relax, it's OK. Your inner voice wants what's best for you. Maybe it's time to listen.
⚡️[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT⚡️
I feel like I’m being pulled down a different path
I never thought I’d do anything different than this
I thought this was my destiny
I guess it was the thing that led me to a new path
I guess it was part of the big plan
I didn’t see it coming
Funny how God and the Universe have it all figured out
I feel I need to trust it
I feel I need to just go with it
It’s ok to feel a bit fearful
I have to trust the process
I will keep moving forward
I will keep taking steps as I feel the nudge
I will stay curious and keep going
I will be ok if I just trust the unfolding
I will be ok if I follow my gut
I will be ok if I remain calm and know its all ok
I am ok
I am ok
I am ok